Make Equal Music

Female representation across the music industry, whether festival bookings, music academies or audio fields, is still extremely low. Earlier this month, FGC hosted an event in partnership with Ministry of Sound, the leading brand in dance music culture, to talk about the need for equality within the music industry.
The Panel
Amy Thomson - Founder, Seen Presents/Cofounder, FGC
Leila Fataar - Head of Culture & Entertainment, Diageo
Sam Hall - DJ, Broadcaster & Columist
Julia Herd - VP of Communications, Deezer
Jessica Skye - DJ, Ministry of Sound
The Discussion
The event kicked off with a focus on MUSIC PRODUCTION and the ways in which we can encourage more women to engage in audio tech. Everyone should be incorporated into this discussion, building awareness of not only gender issues within the music industry, but also race and class. This goes for everything from audio tech and DJs, to festival bookers and artist management. In this way, we can ensure that talent is the real key to creating change and breaking stereotypes, so that more and more women are taken seriously as artists.
"Women were always a novelty in the industry; you should get a gig because of talent, not because you look hot in heels".
Next, the panel highlighted issues faced by DJ HEADLINERS and questioned why women are so underrepresented as headliners of global festivals.
The industry must be more proactive in recognising that there are imbalances in gender equality and commit to strategies that generate change! The male dominated status quo needs be confronted. Working with and listening to women can help to identity some of those gaps.
Finally, the topic of SELF PROMOTION was brought to light. Self-promotion and creating visibility is important but how can we avoid female stereotypes ?
“Be a DJ, be a producer, but don’t let the industry put you in a box as a FEMALE DJ or producer. They don’t do it to men”.
The challenge is to build a fan-base, whilst moving away from objectification. Visibility should be increased through credibility, rather than relying on sexualised content to gain followers. We need more women only DJ and music production courses as “safe spaces” to encourage women into the industry and nurture their talents.
A change is coming... Watch this space! #makeequalmusic