"Go hard or go home!"

Georgina Harding is the co-founder of SEMAINE, a new online lifestyle destination centered around global personalities. Georgina previously worked at Mario Testino's agency ‘Higher and Higher’, where she specialized in strategy and branding. She spearheaded Testino's trend forecasting division. At Semaine, Georgina oversees traffic growth, digital marketing, social media, web development and data analytics. Apart from the digital strategies, Georgina oversees all e-commerce on the site, merchandising each weekly feature.
On founding a company… my partner and I used to work for Mario Testino and we were lucky enough to see a lot of the industry, and working with the brands and publications we saw a big opportunity. Everyone was talking about content and commerce at the time, but we felt like no one was doing it right, or how we wanted to, so one day over dinner we decided to leave and start Semaine...the rest is history.
On emotion in business… every day is a roller-coaster, many ups and downs, not too sure about angriest moment but I am very lucky to have Michelle my partner (and I hope she feels the same about me!). We pull each other up every time we are down, we keep each other!
On success... isn't success being happy and fulfilled with what are you are doing? If that is the case, I feel very successful already. I love what I do!
On why more girls should start tech companies… I don't think it is about tech companies, but I think we live in an amazing time where women are feeling so empowered, and I think it is important for women to feel like they can start their own company; to follow their passions and turn them into businesses. I just think the technology space is the most exciting right now, but if you have an idea and you feel passionate then anything is possible!
On business strategy... strategies are ever changing! Yes, you need to have vision, and focus and goals, but strategies are just how you are going to get there. Someone recently said having a start-up is like being in a room, which is pitch black and only after time do the lights start to come on and you realise where you are and what you are actually doing, from then it gets easier every day!
On weakness… Focusing. We are always confronted with so many ideas and have been lucky to be faced with so many opportunities, its proven hard to stay focused!
On getting more girls to think bigger about business… To try and be good role models, and let them know it is okay to crash and burn, but just give it a go! To be there to support and help anyone who has the courage to go it alone. It’s all about helping everyone and giving the support that everyone receives when they are starting out. Anything is possible whether you are a guy or a girl. It has actually never been easier (even though it is still very hard) to start a business. Sadly, I live by my favourite saying: GO HARD OR GO HOME!