future female ceos
The Mission
help female leaders think 10x bigger about their businesses, creating long term wealth and economic empowerment.
The A Team
Sharmadean reid, founder
"When I started my business I didn’t really have a clue what I was doing. I’ve learnt a lot in the past year as I started to think about turning WAH into something serious and figuring what's going to bring back the best returns. I want to help girls understand that if they have an idea for a project it could be a global one. Say ‘I want to be a florist, okay I’m going to start a flower shop’ but actually you could do all the flowers for hotels around the world and turn a business with £20,000 profit into £2 million profit.
I didn’t have that way of thinking… I don’t think that it’s 'you’re good at it or you're not', I feel like it’s something that could be taught. Most girls are capable of doing it but they just don’t know it. FutureGirlCorp is about bringing those hard, business skills to this female audience. I want to get girls thinking about flipping their businesses on the head."
Learn about her latest enterprise, Beauty Stack
Amy Thomson, Cofounder
"FutureGirlCorp is about inspiring and supporting our future leaders. In 2017 4.4% of CEO positions are held by women, this won't be changed by quotas, this will be changed by empowering every girl and woman to strive for their goals and career visions. I am a big believer in opening up conversations around issues and challenges, in order to solve them. I love a good chat, but especially one with list of actions and solutions at the end.
More can be done to give the knowledge and confidence to girls, in order for them to achieve their full career or business potential. We just have to start the conversations and deliver actionable solutions."
Learn about her latest enterprise, Moody Month
Tabitha GoldStauB, Cofounder
"Studies show female founders make up on average 20% of startups and receive only 5% of the funding. However, it's reported that Fortune 500 with a highest representation of women on their senior management teams had a 35-percent higher return on equity.
The disparity here is significant and I am passionate about what we are doing at Future Girl Corp because we have a chance to change this. By supporting female founders and enabling them to reach their true potential we can unlock productivity in the UK and unleash some awesome females with brilliant products that benefits all."
Learn about her latest enterprise, Cognition X
pia stanchina, Cofounder
"I experienced first hand that passion, technical expertise and thought leadership are not enough to create a viable business or earn a good living. However, I'm also living proof that the skills, frameworks and network necessary for success can be acquired and developed.
By physically bringing women together in an educational, entertaining and empowering environment, FutureGirlCorp can help close the gaps - in equal pay, c-level and board representation, financial literacy and business funding. By making our content digitally available, we can scale our impact by empowering ambitious women globally. It's time and finally, we have all the tools. Let's do this!"
Find out more at
Emily Chappell, SOcial media and Production
Emily attended the 2016 flagship event as she plans to be her own CEO. She was super inspired by the fgc community so wanted to help out in 2017.
Emily helps to keep everyone informed on all tings fgc via our Insta, Twitter, Newsletter & Facebook group. She also has hosts a few of our events
Learn about her work at Chapps.Online or @emilychapps
helping hands
Elvi was the motor of fgc during 2017. She held it down by creating ALL blog content, locking in DOPE speakers & dreamy places to share our knowledge.
Learn about her latest enterprise, Post-Script