Happy New Year girls! It's time to get going and start on those 2017 goals. Here's the 2017 programme for the monthly FGC events:
Monthly Workshops For Future Female Leaders
London, UK
Hosted by Sharmadean Reid MBE with Key Panel Speakers
Idea Validation - Should you even be starting a startup?
Being an entrepreneur has never been so cool, but with many businesses failing, this talk aims to help you understand how to quickly and cheaply find out if there is a market need for your company. Are you truly solving a problem? Do we really need another subscription box, social media platform or delivery app? Our panel will help you ask those tough questions of yourself and your ideas with validation hacks to help you test the waters.
Incorporating Your Company - Setting yourself up for the long term
Sometimes founders can give away too much too early leaving little room for future rounds. This workshop will show you how to decide on the initial structure of the business and company formation. Discussing questions such as the difference between A and B shares, how to actually incorporate a UK company, creating a cap table, creating a structure for multiple co-founders and creating an employee option pool.
Mentoring - Books, people, podcasts and finding your gang
Your mindset, circle you keep, the information you receive from different mediums all impact how you operate as an entrepreneur. Mentoring aids this process and is a valuable asset to overcome hurdles and prevent rookie mistakes. We will be sharing what classic business books to read, blogs to check out and podcasts to listen to. How to connect with other CEOs that will be your gang that you grow with and share your successes together.
Pre Launch Perception - Communicating your vision to outsiders
From the minute you begin talking about your idea you are being judged. How do you share your vision with others - your team, your investors, your customers? How does that translate into company culture? How do you conduct yourself in your meetings and networking? Culture is created whether you like it or not, so this workshop aims to help you craft and control what it means to be you.
Introduction to Financial Awareness by Rathbones.
When running your business, it is important to also think about yourself and your money. Why would you invest and inturn, why would someone invest in you? How do you even go about investing? With guest speakers from Rathbone, this seminar will provide a basic and educational understanding of how to manage your personal finances and an introduction into investment management.
The Not So Glam Part of Running a Business - Creating a company operating system
How you do things internally reflects on your team's output. Laying the groundwork for a smooth running operating system can be crucial to getting things done. We discuss everything from goal setting, what collaboration tools to use, team away days, to methods of communication and performance reviews. Our panel shares their techniques for managing their employees effectively no matter what size of the company.
Finding a Technical Co-Founder
Hustlers and Hipsters have a very different mindset to Hackers and quite often their paths don’t cross. How to do you find that incredible engineer or developer to build your product? How do you brief them? How can you tell a good developer from a bad one and how do you maintain that relationship when your personality types are so different? This class aims to help you build a long-term working relationship with your CTO.
Always Be Hiring - It's the CEOs job
Why you shouldn't leave hiring to other people. We talk about the importance of talent in your organisation. What roles should a start-up be aiming to fill initially? How do you craft an appropriate compensation package? How do you onboard that new hire and set them up for success? We help you understand how much time you should be dedicating to hiring and how to manage the process.
User Profiles
Who is your market and how are you planning on reaching them? If you've spent all your time and budget on building that killer app with no thought to how you're going to get users to download it, this class will help you identify your market and know how to reach them. We walk through customer and client personas giving you a key framework for future business decisions.
Creating a launch plan to capture press attention.
How do you effectively communicate with your target community and build buzz for your next product launch? With your customer profiles done, this class helps you create a launch plan to garner press attention, work with influencers and excite your audience, converting these users into customers who will then spread it across their networks. We'll be discussing both online and offline processes and how you evaluate success rates.
Startup Legalities
Manoeuvring through the legal minefield of setting up your business lawfully can feel confusing and overwhelming at times. This workshop will address the essential aspects within your company that will need to be covered from the beginning to avoid pitfalls later down the road. Discussing everything from the latest data protection laws to branding, intellectual property issues and commercial contracts, as well as writing privacy statements for your website.
Why Investors Say No
Investing is part science, part black art, and there are a myriad of reasons why investors will decide to pass on your blood sweat and tears. It may be that you’re not ready, it may be that your business doesn't interest them, it could simply be that you didn't actually ask for money. We ask our panel to give us insight into actual reasons that they decide to say no to entrepreneurs.
Now, who's excited to get started? See you there!