#FGCSquad: Aleksandra Pawlowska

Today (International Women’s Day), is the date society has decided to appreciate women. Well, the day we put a magnifying glass on women’s often overlooked value . to not just add to catch-all IWD noise, we’re turning up the magnification by championing one woman, Aleksandra Pawlowska. Alex joined fgc in 2017 & has just launched “Looking For Heros" Kickstarter. Get to know her below and perhaps define your IWD with a pledge to or promotion of her valuable work
The idea…
At the time when I needed more positivity in my life I started a platform devoted to gathering stories from everyday people that empowered and gave hope. I called it Looking for Heroes, as I believed that everyone has a story to share, something to teach. That everybody is a hero in a sense. The stories travelled across the world and I saw their power firsthand. I spent years of working in the world of advertising and started asking myself: can I create things that are as powerful as these stories in transforming, in inspiring, in creating change?
The product…
I started Looking for Heroes as a content platform. Now we are moving to creating an ethical clothing. My intention with The Power Collection was to create a fashion line that was considered and meaningful every step of the way, taking into consideration the planet, the workers, the models, the messaging and the wearer. I wanted it to be a manifesto for a different way of creating fashion - in a way that transforms.
Looking for Heroes made a splash on Instagram in 2015 when Instagram recommended the feed, bumping up their followers from the hundreds to the tens of thousands. In 2016 an account was nominated for an Instagrammer of the Year by Shorty Awards. Throughout the years Looking for Heroes content was featured in publications such as The Huffington Post, BuzzFeed, Upworthy, Vogue, Lonely Planet, Instagram, Metro, ASOS Magazine, Popsugar and VSCO.
Most of the time when working on Looking for Heroes I had a full time job, and did the work in my spare time. In the morning, lunchtimes, evenings or weekends. It is challenging to work two jobs and I had to make sure that I also prioritise my wellness and mental health.
Your Fave resources…
I have learnt a lot at fgc. One of the most helpful for me events was in February 2017 Incorporating your company as this is where I have learnt how to set up my company and trademark my work.
Advice for future business leaders…
Stay true to what your soul is calling you to do. You have all the answers. Create a space in your daily life to be with yourself, to listen. All the answers are within you.
What's next for you & your business…
We are launching the Kickstarter campaign for The Power Collection on the 3rd of March!
support@lookingforheroes.co / Kickstarter / Facebook / Website / Instagram